Sunday, December 11, 2011

Merry Christmas...Just Kidding, But Seriously

"Merry Christmas!"

Christmas has been around for quite some time now, something like two thousand and twelve years, roughly. And somehow it never gets old, just like bad jokes, ominous hairstyles, stale alcohol, too much make-up, and your mother-in-law, who methodically combines all of the above.

Just to humor me, let's dissect this phrase for just a second: merry. This word means gay, joyous, and happy. Much like the clerk at Walmart, after they just checked out a thousand dollars worth of lame Christmas gifts like socks for Sally and the 'Unconditional Surrender G.I. Joe' for Johnny, after you made a scene about making sure they applied all of your coupons, half of which were expired, changed your mind eleventy-two times on whether buying Uncle Marty that Big Mouth Billy Bass is a good idea or not, and then realized your card was in your car, and they still wished you a "Merry Christmas", filling societal holiday expectation #15098329. Which, is 'Merry Christmas' but kind of sounds like "find the nearest gun, point it at your head, and kindly pull the trigger, you neurotic bitch."

Allll in the name of professionalism. Yet we still wish everyone a Merry Christmas...kinda.

Person says: "May your Christmas be merry and bright"
Person means: "I hope your Christmas is so merry that you laugh so hard Christmas punch comes out your nose, and so bright your electric bill causes you to sell your plasma for 60 bucks and unattractive bruising"

Person says: "Happy Holidays"
Person means: "I am Jewish and the term 'Christmas' is offensive, do you happen to have Ashlee Simpson's plastic surgeon's number?"

Person says: "May the joys of the season bring you peace and happiness"
Person means: "Thank you for shopping at Hallmark, enjoy our shitty movies."

Person says: "Peace on Earth"
Person means: "My name is Sean Hannity, and Christmas is the one day of the year I can't justify thriving off of inducing fear into the lives of fellow Americans."

Person says: "Joy to the World"
Person means: "If you aren't a 'Three Dog Night' fan, feel free to go drown yourself in hot apple cider."

Person says: "Wishing you all the gifts of the holiday season"
Person means: "I'm not getting you diddalee-squat!"

Person says: "Best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year"
Person means: "God save us if you don't learn from the many mistakes you made last year"

Person says: "Deck the halls"
Person means: "If I see one more blow up Santa Claus, I'm going to deck myself."

Person says: "Merry f****** Christmas"
Person means: "Merry f****** Christmas"

On a serious note, I really do love Christmas, the smells, the decorations, family time, holiday cheer, blah blah blah yeah I realize I'm going soft, but I really do love it. This year I am going to be spending my first Christmas away from home, so all the traditions I've known for the last 21 years are not going to happen. (Now is the part where you feel bad for me and send me a bag of Brach's Jelly Bells because they're freaking delicious). Therefore, I am learning that not only is Christmas not about what we get, it's about what we give and in my case, not who we spend it with, but how we treat and appreciate those we'd like to spend it with the entire year round, not just the one month where it's easy. So since I am morphing into this workoholic crazy cat lady with no friends and now no family to spend the holidays with, I will indulge in none other than my FAVORITE  Christmas pastime to help me feel a little bit closer to home :)

And the Grinch, 
with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow,
stood puzzling and puzzling, 
how could it be so?
It came without ribbons.
It came without tags.
It came without packages, boxes or bags.
And he puzzled and puzzled, 
till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something,
he hadn't before.
What if Christmas, he thought,
doesn't come from a store?
What if Christmas, perhaps, 
means a little bit more?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The holidays are an incredibly difficult time. Mostly because you start anticipating the festivities of the season a good four weeks in advance, as the memories of last Christmas season begin to surface after being buried for almost a year. For example, it would appear that I have happy childhood memories of Christmas, as the charming picture of me in a pink onesie bounding down the stairs to open presents would suggest. Yes, this picture is just darling, because in it I'm five years old. However, my parents got the adorable idea that we should try to re-create this pose every year. I do not know where they found adult sized pink onesies, and I do not want to think about how I saw my grandmother in a similar-looking one the night before, nor that said onesie smelled like mothballs. Guess what my grandmother smells like? Anyways, the point is that my parents just recently realized that around age fourteen there was a mischievous sparkle in my eye each year, only to then notice that was when I began to subtly flick off the camera in each candid jewel. That really drove home and now the onesie tradition has ceased - praise baby Jesus.

To truly enjoy the holidays, you've got to get past the small stuff. Nevermind the story granny just told about how in her time they used to call skunks "wood pussies" for the fortieth time or that grandpa just peed on the couch - but you are too polite to say anything, mostly because grandpa is an ex-marine, and though he's feeble, you still suspect he could do you bodily harm. Forget all of that.

And herein lies the crux of the holidays: you are so happy that the entire family is together that you gloss over the main problem; that the entire family is together. 

There is this built-in expectation that this must be the most joyous and magical time. In fact, did you know that some have actually dubbed Christmas, "the most wonderful time of the year"? It's true. Absurd, I'm aware, but the build-up of an event being the best time of the year can only lead to disappointment. If it's not the best time you have ever had, you have somehow failed. If it is anything less than a pristine white Christmas with snow falling gently at the time you open a wobbly present and - SURPRISE! - a puppy jumps out with a beautiful Tiffany's 3 carat princess cut solitaire around it's collar, as your boyfriend emerges from behind the Christmas tree and asks for your hand in marriage in front of your weeping family, firmly shakes your fathers hand, and then you all enjoy a delicious ham dinner; then you have not had a perfect holiday and you should be vastly disappointed. 

When you inevitably fail at having the best Christmas ever, you will blame the people involved in making it less than perfect. For example, when I was eighteen I was convinced that I was being gifted the new Honda Pilot my dad had just bought "for my mother". My parents kept dropping clues like "you are going to have the keys to success" and "this will give you the drive to do well". And then the big day came and they presented me with the old family desktop, still plastered in "no fear" stickers that I thought were cool in the seventh grade. Then my parents had the nerve to pretend like they didn't know why I was angry, convincing themselves they had dropped great hints. (keys = keyboard; drive = hard drive) Get real! I was expecting to walk out into the driveway and find my new car wrapped in an obnoxiously large red ribbon - and since that didn't happen - I now hate you and this Christmas sucks!

So, I have compiled a list of a few things that you can do to make this holiday season just a little more tolerable:

1) Eggnog. Nog is the bomb dot com. Nuff said. 

2) Tobogganing. Nothing drowns out emotional stress quite like physical agony. So, aiming for trees is ideal. 

3) Mood lighting. Dimmer lights calm the senses, it also makes hiding in a dark corner slightly more attainable. 

4) Talking trash. No, not to each other. When things get heated, pick on someone outside the family. The Obama administration is always a by-and-large favorite in my family. When you channel all of your negative energy towards something else, you become a team, and there's no "I hate my family" in team. 

5) Balderdash. Have you ever played this board game? It's a game that has cards with definitions to words that no one knows. Everyone writes down what they think the real definition is, someone reads them all aloud and everyone else guesses which definition is the right one. Sound boring? It's not. For example, let's say the word is "acersecomic". The actual definition is "one who has never had a haircut", however, you do not know this, so you could write "a comedian that is not funny", and your spouse could write "I wish I was anywhere but here right now"... You know what? Don't play Balderdash.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dear Mom and Dad...Love, Anonymous

If your family is one of those that chooses to celebrate holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas with mass amounts of alcohol, this is for you. This is for you to anonymously mail to your parents for them to take a hint that you don't want them drinking with you, or to drink until they're blue in the face (or red and green as the case may be). 

Mom and Dad, if you want to drink with your kids this holiday season, there are a few things you must know. First and foremost, don't. Even though I am explicitly telling you that this is a bad idea, you're still going to so you may as well learn to play these popular drinking games correctly. 

EQUIPMENT: Two ping pong balls, a table, plastic Solo cups, beer, maybe a creative team shirt. (Suggestions: "Team We'll Regret This Tomorrow" or "Team We're Not Related". 

RULES: Two teams of two stand on opposite sides of the table, usually the size of a ping pong table if it isn't actually a ping pong table. In front of each team are ten plastic cups set up in a pyramid. Each cup is filled 1/4-1/2 full with beer, depending on how shitfaced you'd like to get. Cheap light beer like Natty Lite, Coors Lite, Beer:30, or Bud Lite is most acceptable, because it is easily chugged. (My personal favorite is Beer:30, obviously. {Now is the part where you say "I remember when I was a freshman..har, har, har.}) 

               Through a simple two-out-of-three rock-paper-scissors match, arm-wrestling contest, or cage fight until near death, one team is chosen to start the game with both ping pong balls. Each team member shoots the ball at the opposing team's cups, the object being to sink the ball in one of the cups. If a ball is sunk by a player, the opposing team must drink the contents of the cup while the other team does some kind of high-five hoot-n-holler ceremony. Each team gets two shots, unless both of the players on the same team both make a cup, in which case they get the balls back and the other team loses their turn. Each team shoots back and forth, the first team to sink all of the opposing team's cups wins, and the losing team must drink the other team's remaining unsunk cups. Then you will promptly vomit, or hit one of your child's friends. Seriously, don't play this game.

This is possibly the worst game you could ever play with your kids, because it's sort-of like the truth portion of "truth or dare", but it involves heavy consumption of alcohol. Everyone sits in a circle and one person will say, "Never have I ever..." and say something they most likely know someone in the circle has done. If anyone has done that particular deed, they drink. If there is only one person that drinks, they must tell the entire story of the incident. So, for example, if someone says, "Never have I ever had a threesome with the neighbor and Javier, the Spanish foreign exchange student", and your child is the only one to drink, they have to tell the entire circle how in the summer of '97 they got drunk off of Javier's homemade Sangria get the picture. Are you starting to see how this is a terrible idea? Again, never play this game with your child. Never ever.

The rules of Categories are simple, though  many. A deck of cards is spread face-down in a circle, and a beer is placed in the middle of the circle of cards. Everyone sits in a circle around the cards and, going clockwise, each person picks up a card and follows these rules, which are dictated by the number or face of said card chosen.

2 - You: The person who picked the card gives away a drink and says some variation of "you drink, bitch". 
3 - Me: The person who picked the card takes a drink.
4 - Whores: All women/gay males drink.
5 - Categories: Person who picked the card chooses a category. Each person, going counter-clockwise from the original person, has to say an item from that category within five seconds. For example:
Category: Different ways of saying "penis"
So, going around the circle, "dick", "cock", "Johnson", "Noodle", "Trouser Snake"...until someone repeats a name or can't think of one, and that person drinks. 
6 - Dicks: All males/gay females drink.
7 - Heaven: The person who picked the card points to heaven, or in a general up direction, and all follow in turn. The last person to do so, drinks. (This is because "seven" rhymes with "heaven", beginning to see a pattern? Pointless, but a pattern none-the-less.)
8 - Beer Me: The person who picks the card must chug the beer in the middle of the circle of cards, and replace it with a full, preferably cold, unless you're a total douche, beer for the next person who draws an 8 to enjoy.
9 - Rhyme: The person who picked the card must say a word other than "orange" or "flamingo" and the person to their left must say a word that rhymes. This continues on until someone repeats a word or can't think of one within five seconds. Loser drinks.
10 - Social: Everyone stands up, cheers, circles their beer around their head, and drinks. (I am unsure as to why the head-circling, I suppose it represents everyone in the circle.)
Jack - Back: The person to the right of the person who picked the card, drinks. This is because "jack" rhymes with "back". Is this sufficiently idiotic enough for you yet?
Queen - Question Master: The person who picked the card may ask anyone a question at anytime until the next queen is drawn or the game ends. If anyone responds with anything but a subsequent question, they drink. Example:
Card Picker: (to you) Who is your favorite singer/songwriter?
You: John Fogerty.
You: Drink.
King - Rule: The person who draws the card makes a rule. Like question master, this rule stands until another king is drawn or the game ends. An example of a rule is that no one may say "drink!" As people get progressively three sheets to the wind, the following is likely to happen:
Person who catches someone breaking a rule: 
Person who catches other person saying "drink!":
"Ha! Drink!"
Person who catches other person who caught other person saying "drink!":
"You drink!"
Ace - Waterfall: Everyone stands up and begins to drink. When the person who picked the card sets their drink down, the person to their left may stop drinking, and so on and so forth. Therefore, the person directly to the right of the person who picked the card is the last to stop drinking and hence the most Hasselhoffed of the bunch.
(Crowd roars, someone yammies, two females make out with each other.)

Now, I realize that the rules to Categories vary, so, if you are someone that's reading this and shouting in vain at your computer/ipad/tablet-not-as-cool-as-an-ipad, "No! Ace is chugging contest not waterfall!", I say, shut up, idiot. This is how I play. Deal with it. If you want to try to tell your parents how to do something differently than they've just learned, be my guest.

Good gracious, am I glad that my parents don't drink, or approve of me drinking for that matter. They would be ashamed that I knew enough information to write this, let alone have experienced it. Hey, thanks for the new car, guys!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

MANLAND: National Anthem

To be sung in the key of...well, whatever.

We're men,
manly men.
We burp and fart,
then do it again.

We have bad breath, 
and hairy backs.
We worship babes, 
with perky racks.

We say one thing, 
but mean another.
We can't say "no", 
to our mothers.

We think of sex, 
and nothing more.
Unless we're thinking, 
about the score. 

We can't commit, 
to the female kind.
But pledge our allegiance, 
to Bud Light Lime 
(Yeah, I know that is a total chick beer, but Guinness didn't rhyme.)

Yes, we're men, 
manly men.
We burp and fart, 
then do it again.

Welp, there you have it, folks. This is the last "chapter" in MANLAND. Partly, because I desire to get married some godforsaken day, and don't want this all to be used against me when said Man discovers I can't cook to save my life. Mostly, because I'm out things to make fun of Man for. Now I suppose I'll return to squandering away my evenings watching Tosh.O re-runs or drinking. Most likely, drinking. Maybe I should take more credits or get a part time job? Nahh. I considered starting a blog series making fun of Woman, but I have commitment issues, and that bullshit would never end. 

Bon Voyage!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

MANLAND: Moving In

The honeymoon is over. Your family has flown back to the motherland. The gifts have been opened, mocked, and the majority of them returned. You might think you know Man at this don't. Something like 50 percent of all Manland recruits end up annulling their citizenship and fleeing the country. The more you understand how Married Man expresses himself, the better.

Sharing Living Quarters
Much like when your father would day "while you're under my roof, you'll follow my rules!", there are a few ground rules you need to abide by when living on Man's turf.

1) Do not put curtains on the windows, pillows on the sofa, or plants on the windowsill. If it wasn't there when you got there, don't bring it.

2) Do not listen to Man's answering machine messages when he is gone. You will inevitably hear something you wish you hadn't learned. 

3) Any mysterious potions, lotions, or ointments you find in Man's bathroom are to be ignored. 'Don't ask, don't tell' will never be repealed from this scenario.

4) You can introduce new clothing to Man's wardrobe, but cannot throw out the old. Man has some unnatural attachment to pit-stained t-shirts, poop-streaked underwear, and jeans that are either 3 sizes too small or 3 sizes too big. 

5) The climate in Man's home will always be too hot or too cold for you. Any attempt to adjust the thermostat to a temperature that balances your homeostasis will be met with contempt. 

Married Man Manspeak
This is the means by which Man chooses to attempt to regain some of the power he feels he lost when you became a citizen. Understanding what Man is really saying might just give you two cuties a chance at making it to the Golden Years. Probably not. But worth a shot.

Man says: Anything you say, dear.
Translation: Please shut up.

Man says: I'll do the dishes.
Translation: I'll let Duke lick the dishes, then I'll put them back in the cupboard.

Man says: Of course I missed you!
Translation: You were gone?

Man says: Check it out..waxes at M.J. Capelli's are half off this month!
Translation: If you don't go get a wax, I'm taking a weed wacker to your upper lip.

Man says: Of course I used a glass.
Translation: That milk carton was so far down my throat, I considered giving you a tutorial, then realized you'd get mad about both. 

Man says: No, your mother didn't call.
Translation: Your mother called and I answered in a Spanish accent so she thought she had the wrong number.

Domesticating Man

What Man Does: Doesn't flush the toilet.
How to Stop Him: Drop a tampon in the bowl.

What Man Does: Leaves dirty dishes in the sink.
How to Stop Him: Transfer them to his car.

What Man Does: Leaves dirty underwear on the couch.
How to Stop Him: Refuse to take yours off at all.

What Man Does: Tosses his wet towels on the bed.
How to Stop Him: Remove his towel from the bathroom while he is in the shower.

What Man Does: Uses the decorative kitchen towels to wipe his nose.
How to Stop Him: Use his collector's edition Joe Namath jersey to wipe yours.

What Man Does: Burps at the dinner table.
How to Stop Him: Burp during sex.

What Man Does: Uses your toothbrush to polish his shoes.
How to Stop Him: Use his to help fight Fido's gingivitis. 

Fighting Married Man Manspeak

Man says: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Translation: I know exactly what you're talking about, but now you're going to get so mad that I said I had no idea that you're going to forget about what you were mad about before.

Man says: Is it your time of the month?
Translation: You're being a raving, lunatic bitch.

Man says: Let's make up.
Translation: Let's have sex.

Man says: (Nothing.)
Translation: I realize there is absolutely no way out of this, so I'm just going to stare at the wall and pray that a self-induced coma takes over my body.

Man says: I don't have to sit here and take this crap!
Translation: I have to sit here and take this crap, but if I say I don't, maybe you'll believe me.

Man says: Sit down and take a deep breath, sweetheart.
Translation: You're blocking the television.

Man says: You're just like your mother.
Translation: You're just like Satan.

Man says: You're not always right!
Translation: I have yet to ever catch you being wrong, but one of these days...

Man says: Stop bringing that up!
Translation: My gosh, do you ever forget anything!?

Man says: You're so cute when you're mad.
Translation: Bingo! You just grinned ear to ear and forgot about everything I was in the doghouse for! Now give me a schmooch and go make me a sandwich.

Monday, October 31, 2011

MANLAND: Citizenship.

Just as a few fortunate vacationers will be privileged enough to see the elusive Loch Ness Monster while in Scotland, it is a rare but celebrated occasion when a Woman is invited to apply for citizenship in Manland. Congratulations female, you have assimilated yourself into one of the most evanescent cultures on the planet. But, (and there is always a but..), Man does not hand out an application for citizenship without an extensive background check. After all, he is about to forsake the purchase of a sports car to buy you that overpriced Tiffany's platinum princess cut 1.5 carat solitaire (hint, hint to my future monogynist!). 

And so comes the Manland Naturalization Test - a clever system of investigative tactics man uses to see if you can, in fact, be incorporated into his society. This system of checks and balances is made up of a series of extensive oral exams (no, not the kind you're thinking) which can be difficult to pass - so if you really want your green card and that diamond - study up!

Oral Exam One
The Considering Popping the Question Pop Quiz

Man says: Would you like to browse through that extremely expensive jewelry store for a second?
Translation: Let's see if I can afford to marry you.
Suggested response: Why don't we go grab some wings and a beer and we can talk about our options.
Why it works: This shows Man that you expect him to demonstrate good taste and get you a really nice ring, but are willing to let him take his time in picking it out.

Man says: Are any of your girlfriends bisexual?
Translation: Are any of your girlfriends willing to have a threesome with us once this thing gets dull?
Suggested response: Some of them are, but only because they haven't figured out how to satisfy a man.
Why it works: This puts an end to Man's stupid little fantasy before it's even formulated, but does so without making you appear susceptible to jealous rages.

Man says: Seems like you're pretty close to your parents, huh?
Translation: What are the chances we'll be high up in their will?
Suggested response: Yes, incredibly close. And they've done so much for me with so little.
Why it works: This throws Man off the inheritance track. The less he knows about what he should stand to gain if you should get eaten by a grizzly bear, the better. Man should be marrying for love, not the house with the pool he might get if your parents kick the bucket.

Man says: Are you good with kids?
Translation: Do you want to have kids?
Suggested response: Any child born into a home with two loving parents will know he/she is loved.
Why it works: This reminds Man that parenting is a two person job.

Man says: I'd only want a prenup if you want a prenup.
Translation: Please, please, please say you want a prenup!
Suggested response: Yeah, it's probably be a good idea to protect that trust fund I have. 
Why it works: This gently reminds Man that he may have more to lost than you!

Man says: Has your mom put on a bit of weight lately?
Translation: Do thunder thighs run in your family?
Suggested response: It's possible. Speaking of which, has your father's forehead expanded?
Why it works: If he wants to comment on every flaw that goes along with the aging process, then so can you!

Man says: How important are anniversaries to you?
Translation: Am I going to have to buy you jewelry every year?
Suggested response: About as important as blow jobs are to you.
Why it works: Man needs to know that marriage is a matter of give and take. You give him a wonderful unwritten experience, and take a Silpada shopping spree.

Man says: I bet there are gonna be nights when I should go out with the guys and give you a break, huh?
Translation: I need to get drunk off my butt at least once a week to escape your presence. 
Suggested response: Absolutely, those are the nights I'll use to hangout with some of my exes. 
Why it works: Man has a bad habit of believing he's the only one in need of a social outlet. He might just rethink that poker night if he realizes your history isn't all that historic.

Oral Exam Two
The Popping the Question Pop Quiz

Man says: Let's go someplace private.
Translation: I might change my mind and need a quick escape route. 
Suggested response: Agreed, and somewhere well-lit so I can see what you have in that little box.
Why it works: Man isn't the only one who might change his mind at the last minute, if that ring isn't big enough, you're not stickin' around!

Man says: You really think that wedding gown looks good on you?
Translation: That dress is wayyyyy too expensive.
Suggested response: This is the only one I would consider wearing, honey.
Why it works: For Woman, her wedding day is the Manland equivalent of seeing the super bowl live. A lifelong dream being realized. So, just as Man wouldn't hesitate to spend more to get those fifty-yardliners, you'll be damned if you skimp on your dress.

Man says: Do you really have to spend so much time planning this wedding?
Translation: Ask me one more question about this stupid wedding and I'm going to kill myself.
Suggested response: You're right, I'll take care of everything. By the way, let's just cuddle on our honeymoon night, I'm going to be really exhausted.
Why it works: If Man doesn't consider the details of the most important day of your life worth discussing, then let Man know you're going to leave everything to chance. 

Oral Exam Three
The Bachelor Party Pop Quiz

Man says: Is it all right if the boys and I hangout for a bit before the wedding tomorrow?
Translation: The boys and I are going to the strip clubs for lap dances. Then we're going to get drunk beyond comprehension, pick a bar fight or seven, and then hire hookers to do unspeakable acts on us.
Suggested response: Sure. I trust you.
Why it works: You are giving Man the space he needs, but reminding him that there are boundaries he needs to respect. 

Man says: Can I borrow some singles for the vending machine?
Translation: I need singles to tip the strippers.
Suggested response: Sure! I'll go with you.
Why it works: Straight and to the point.

Man says: How does my hair look?
Translation: How will other women think my hair looks?
Suggested response: About as good as my boobs look.
Why it works: This reminds Man that you are a hot commodity yourself, and that his opinion isn't the only one that matters. 

Man says: You know I'm not really into these silly bachelor parties at all, right?
Translation: I should get married more often!
Suggested response: Then don't go. I don't want to see you suffer unnecessarily, dear.
Why it works: Man needs to learn to be true to his word. And his marriage vows.

Man says: You believe me when I say I'm only going to have one beer, right?
Translation: I am going to have one beer...after those fourteen shots of tequila.
Suggested response: Just as much as you believe me when I say I'm on the pill.
Why it works: The more Man knows you will match his little games point for point, the less likely he is to cheat.

The Man Vows
Before these witnesses (most of whom I have never met), I vow to love you and care for you (unless you are puking, because that's just gross), as long as we both shall live (until you die or I get bored). I promise to help you when you need help (as long as you don't need help during baseball, football, hockey, or basketball season), and likewise, I promise to turn to you when I need help (like getting dressed in the morning because I still don't get the whole color coordination thing). I choose you as the person with which I will spend the rest of my God-given life (and if you end up getting fat or hairy in certain places, I hope that life is a short one). With this ring (that cost way too much), I thee wed.

The Woman Vows (This is your part, ditz!)
Before these witnesses (most of whom are my guests because I have way more friends than you do), I vow to love and care for you (unless you have erectile dysfunction), as long as we both shall live (until you die or I get bored). I promise to help you when you need help (as long as you put the dishes in the dishwasher and walk the dog when it's cold), and likewise, I promise to turn to you when I need help (touching up my roots). I choose you as the person with which I will spend the rest of my God-given life (and if you end up getting fat or going bald, I hope that life is a short one). With this ring (that isn't at all what I wanted), I thee wed.

Congratulations. And welcome to Manland.

Marriage is an Institution! ..Yeah, so was Alcatraz.

Michael Jordan's baseball career #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Taylor Swift's acceptance speech before Kanye interrupted her #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

BlackBerry battery life #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

The pause Dora makes after she asks you a question #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Voldemort's nose #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

The hashtag #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

The E! special about her marriage #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

How long the Vikings stay ahead in a game #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

The sleeves on beaters #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Lindsay Lohan's line of coke #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Mariah Carey's high note #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

A yellow light #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Ronnie and Sam's relationship #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

How long my gum keeps it's flavor #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

My morning shower #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

An episode of Phineas and Ferb #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Ellen Degeneres' cock #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Charles Barkley's golf swing #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

The gap in Michael Stwayhan's teef #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Kalae Loudenslager's last name #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

My commute to/from work #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Harrison's presidency #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Britney's first marriage #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

The month of February #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Lightening bolt #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Make a bowl of cereal #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Rebecca Black's career #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

How long Richard Simmons was in the closet #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

A new year's resolution #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

A chode #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Lil Kim's legs #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

Mini-Me #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

P90X #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

..Everything? #thingslongerthankimsmarriage

*Note: These are not all my own, most of them are on twitter, just thought I'd help spread the laughter :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

MANLAND: Extending Your Stay

So you've toured all the sights, experienced Manland's cuisine, and even gotten to know the locals (some biblically). You've had your fill and cannot wait to get home! To clean, organized, febreeze-smelling, home! But oddly, as your trip draws to a close, you feel a lump in your throat, a skip in your heartbeat, a twitch in your nether regions... You chicky, have fallen in love!

Yes, despite Man's outlandish behavior, customs, rituals, belief systems, you want nothing more than to see this Man more. Date him. Well, this is really romantic, sweet cheeks, but there are a few things you should know before you postpone that flight back to the old country. Man tends to become quite a different person once Woman has infiltrated his world - he gains weight, demonstrates particularly offensive habits that weren't apparent a few days ago, and communicates in yet another series of Manspeak designed to confuse the heck out of you.

Not-Quite-Boyfriend Manspeak
Man says: My bed's too small to sleep two comfortably.
Translation: You know the rules: We have sex and you go home.

Man says: I don't want to get you sick.
Translation: I have another chick coming over in five minutes, so skidaddle!

Man says: Vacation? How about we just go somewhere for the day?
Translation: I can only handle you in small doses.

Man says: I'd love to meet your parents sometime!
Translation: I'm going to keep saying this until we break up or they die.

Man says: I'd let you drive, but my car's been making a funny noise.
Translation: You are NEVER going to get behind the wheel of my car.

Man says: I can't afford call waiting.
Translation: If I get call waiting, you'll ALWAYS be able to get a hold of me.

Man says: Want to stay at your place tonight?
Translation: I need to be able to leave when I want.

Man says: I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to your friend's wedding on Saturday.
Translation: I don't want you getting any ideas.

Man says: Hey, I'm just calling to tell you that you left your bobby pin at my place. 
Translation: I miss you. (And I'm saving the other eleventy-two of them you left here for the next time I miss you but am too cool to admit it.)

Man says: Sorry, my medicine cabinet is really packed.
Translation: You are SO not leaving your toothbrush here.

Man says: Wow, you sure have a lot of stuff in that purse.
Translation: Good God, she packed enough stuff to stay for the next week.

Man says: My parents are dead.
Translation: My parents are alive and well and living in Wisconsin, but you're never going to meet them.

Break-Up Manspeak
Man says: We need to talk.
Translation: I need to talk and you need to listen.

Man says: It's not you, it's me.
Translation: Its you, not me.

Man says: There's no one else.
Translation: There's someone else.

Man says: I'm just not ready to commit.
Translation: Sex is getting boring.

Man says: You deserve better.
Translation: You deserve stronger-strength Midol.

Man says: I hate to do this so close to your birthday.
Translation: This is saving me soooooooooo much money.

Man says: I need to find myself.
Translation: I need to find myself naked with another woman.

Man says: I hope we can still be friends.
Translation: I have no intention of ever speaking to you again, but if I run into you I don't want you to slap me or pour your drink on me.

Man says: Call me if you need anything.
Translation: I'll be screening my calls.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

MANLAND: Dress Code

They say clothing makes the Man. Ahhh, but makes him what? Don't rush into buying your Manland souvenir - do some window shopping before you commit. The external appearance of a product can tell you a lot about what's inside. Take note of Man's wardrobe - particular items of clothing signify particular personality types. 

Standard white button-up, blue tie, pleated slacks
This Man is successful in his business and has a job that provides great medical benefits, a promising stock portfolio, and access to powerful computer software. Sounds nice, but be forewarned - his preferred form of communication is sending you typo-filled text messages from his BlueBerry.

Tattered (I mean, destroyed) jeans and a Metallica T-shirt
This Man is a fun-loving nostalgic who lives life to the fullest and does not leave the house without hairspray. He sports an "f-you" attitude to anything he percieves as "the establishment". He is also half deaf and likely to make you listen to him play "Enter Sandman" on his guitar day in and day out.

Wrangler jeans, cowboy shirt, cowboy boots, cowboy hat (wooooof!)
This Man is a hard working cowboy with a chiseled body and unwavering respect for his forefathers. He can get you free Grade A beef anytime you want. Unfortunately, sometimes he gets a little lonely and slips some of his own "grade A beef" to the sheep. 

Black pants, black coat, black Pilgrim hat
This Man is Amish. Sweet, honest, God-fearing, and can churn his own butter. Downside is that you'd better get used to being late beings he drives a horse and buggy.

Plaid pants hiked up above the naval, button-down three-quarter-sleeve shirt, thick rimmed black glasses, pocket protector
This Man is a geek. He can fix any computer problem you have and recite the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica verbatim. This Man does not have much experience with the female gender. Teaching him how to please a woman, both socially and physically, could take years.

Bermuda shorts, hawaiian shirt, flip flops, Rayban sunglasses
This Man is a laid back surfer dude that considers waking up by noon "being responsible". He will introduce you to the basics of Buddhism to help you find your inner peace, but it's worth noting that he is probably helping a lot of women find their "inner peace". 

Designer tuxedo
This Man is a movie star. He plays poker with the likes of George Clooney and can fly you to Rome for dinner on his private jet. He can pamper you in his mansion and introduce you to all his famous friends. Perfect, right? Except you'll always wonder if that's his real nose.

Go green t-shirt, shorts made of recycled Charmin, and Birkenstocks
This Man is an environmentalist who wants to make the world a better place. Unfortunately for you, he will think nothing of dragging you to a third world country to build irrigation ditches and live in a straw hut with tribespeople who have giant elephant tusks rammed through their nose.

Pants hanging below the buttocks, Shaquille O'Neil jersey, 120 pounds of "bling" draped around the neck, impressive weapons arsenol hidden in the extra 20 yards of fabric on the legs of his jeans, Spankin' new Nike High Tops
Nuff said. Run for the wind. 

Internet Shopping
Nowadays, thanks to the internet (that means you, Al Gore!), a tourist can also browse online for a Manland soulmate. But beware, window shopping in Manland cyberspace can be dangerous. Man likes to take advantage of the anonymity the internet provides to exaggerate the truth, or, fabricate it entirely. Clues to Man's genuine character are hidden in every self-promoting declaration he makes in cyberspace.

Man claims: My name is John.
Translation: My name is Hubert.

Man claims: I look for honesty, intelligence, and wit in a woman.
Translation: I look for big boobs, a tight butt, and rich parents in a woman.

Man claims: I'm a concert pianist.
Translation: I can play chopsticks.

Man claims: I'm successful.
Translation: I'm successful at flipping burgers at McDonald's. 

Man claims: I love kids.
Translation: I love kids for 5 minute intervals, if an only if, they're not mine (or yours). 

Man claims: I'm looking to settle down.
Translation: I might get terminally ill and need someone around to change my bedpan.

Man claims: I'm sensitive. 
Translation: I can fake cry.

Man claims: I'm a republican.
Translation: I'm a giant turd.

Man claims: I'm a democrat.
Translation: I'm a douche sandwich.

Man claims: I'm a Liberal Republican.
Translation: I'm a giant gay turd.

Man claims: Jesus is my guide.
Translation: I went to Bible camp when I was growing up and the girls were hot so I kept going back.

Man claims: I'm a doctor.
Translation: I watch Grey's Anatomy.

Man claims: I'm recently single.
Translation: I've been single so long my genitals are starting to grow cobwebs.

Man claims: This is the first time I've tried online dating.
Translation: I've been doing this crap since I got addicted to MSN Whisper in the 7th grade.

Man claims: I'm a bit of a loner. 
Translation: I'm a serial killer.

Man claims: I like women who are into sports.
Translation: I don't like fat women.

Man claims: I like a woman who does yoga. 
Translation: I like a woman who can hold her ankles behind her ears.

Man claims: I'm in great shape.
Translation: I have all my appendages.

Man claims: I'm tall, dark, and handsome.
Translation: I'm 5'2", albino, and have a great radio face.

Man claims: I've got some really major business deals on the horizon.
Translation: I'm selling all my used DVD's on ebay.

Man claims: I've been traveling a lot lately.
Translation: I just escaped from prison. (And my name is Anthony, Casey Anthony)

Man claims: People tell me I look like a cross between Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp.
Translation: I have hair and eyes.

Pickup Lines
If online shopping isn't your cup of tea, there are a variety of products at the Manland bar. This is where Manland citizens of all shapes and sizes come to make flagrant and pathetic attempts to get laid. A woman in Manland may as well slather herself in chum and dive into shark-infested waters. If you are at a Manland bar, you are inevitably the target of every jackass in the room. Man will slither up to you as you sit perched on your bar stool and strike up a conversation. And here is born, Bar Manspeak:

Man says, or slurs as the case may be: Hi.
Translation: I want to have sex.

Man says/slurs: How are you?
Translation: I still want to have sex.

Man says/slurs: Is this seat taken?
Translation: I'm going to sit here either way.

Man says/slurs: Can I buy you a drink?
Translation: The more drunk you are, the easier this will be.

Man says/slurs: Do you live around here?
Translation: Sex on a bed would be so much better than in that bathroom stall over there, no?

Man says/slurs: You have beautiful eyes.
Translation: You have beautiful breasts.

Man says/slurs: Let's step outside for a minute.
Translation: I just spotted my ex across the room.

Man says/slurs: You can trust me.
Translation: You can't trust me.

Man says/slurs: I'm not like other guys.
Translation: The only thing distinguishing me from every other doofus in this bar is my social security number.

Man says/slurs: My apartment is being exterminated.
Translation: My girlfriend is home.

Responses to Cheesy Pickup Lines
When you find yourself the victim of unwanted advances from Man, use any of these responses to extricate yourself with immediacy and ease.

Jerk says: Is this seat taken?
You respond: No, and let's keep it that way.

Jerk says: I'll have whatever she's having.
You respond: I'm having a baby, thanks for offering to help out.

Jerk says: What's your sign?
You respond: (hold up your middle finger)

Jerk says: You have beautiful eyes.
You respond: All the better to see that you don't stand a chance in hell.

Jerk says: I want to get to know you better.
You respond: It's good to want things.

Jerk says: That silly thing? Nah, that's not a real wedding ring.
You respond? Funny - that's what your wife just said to that guy over there.

Jerk says: I think we have met somewhere before.
You respond: We have, and you failed miserably that time too.

Jerk says: I've got a hot tub back at my place.
You respond: Good, go drown yourself in it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MANLAND: The First Date

After searching high and low through Manland's vast market of goods, you have finally found a Man you think might be worth investing in. It is best to spend some quality time with this potential Man companion before you actually purchase him. You can tell a lot about what kind of souvenir Man will make by the Manland destination he chooses for your first date.

Location: The zoo.
What it means: I didn't shower this morning and I'm hoping the monkeys will upstage my own stink.

Location: The beach.
What it means: I really want to see what you look like in a bikini, and my feet need some serious exfoliation. 

Location: The museum.
What it means: I want you to think of me as an intellectual, plus I like the statues of naked women in the "Ancient Athens" section.

Location: The local car show.
What it means: I totally forgot about the car show when I planned our date.

Location: Hiking in the mountains.
What it means: I like nature, and I love how easy it will be to lose you if we don't hit it off.

Location: Bowling.
What it means: I'm determined to stick my fingers in something tonight!

Location: Amusement park.
What it means: Vomit turns me on, and I can't wait to shell out 500 bucks to win you a 3 dollar stuffed animal.

Location: Rock concert.
What it means: I don't know what to talk to you about for three hours. Plus, I really like to get stoned.

Location: Dinner at his parents.
What it means: My parent's think I'm gay, and this will throw the scent off the trail.

Location: Apple picking.
What it means: I secretly despise Eve/Petula and blame your gender for the fall of Man.

Location: Movies.
What it means: If we don't end up making out, then at least I get some popcorn out of the deal.

Location: Ice skating.
What it means: It's romantic, traditional, and I'm a huge Celine Dion fan.

Location: A horror movie.
What it means: I'm hoping you'll be really scared and inadvertently hide your face in my crotch. "Hey, while you're down there..."

Location: A postage stamp expo.
What it means: I am the most boring man alive.

Movie Theater Body Language
1) Seats you both in the back of the theater: Man plans on making a pass at you.
2) Buys a chili dog at the concession stand: Man does not plan on making a pass at you.
3) Gets up repeatedly: That chili dog is not sitting well and Man has diarrhea.
4) Doesn't even stop for the concession stand: Man is poor and you are fat.
5) Yawns dramatically and rests his arm on the back of your chair/"The Move": Man is trying to cop a feel. (Oldest trick in the book but the idiots still do it.)

First Date Restaurants
Once Man has either charmed or horrified you with his first date choice of venue, he will inevitably suggest that you "get somethin' ta eat". Much like the Great White Shark, Man cannot survive more than an hour without shoving something, preferably something with extra cheese, in his pie hole. That being said, you can tell a lot about Man not only by the food he eats, but from the places at which he dines. 

Location: Roadside hot dog stand.
Translation: I am a cheap bastard with a future of gastrointestinal problems to look forward to.

Location: Roadside hot dog stand with picnic tables.
Translation: I am a cheap bastard with a future of gastrointestinal problems to look forward to, but I still want to take the time to get to know you.

Location: Fast food restaurant.
Translation: I want to keep this date short.

Location: Fast food drive through window.
Translation: I want to keep this date REALLY short.

Location: An Olive Garden.
Translation: I'm connected to the Mob, and I really like unlimited salad and breadsticks.

Location: A 4-star restaurant.
Translation: I  want to impress you, but if you order the lobster, don't be surprised if I don't return back after that trip to the restroom.

Location: Picnic at the park.
Translation: I think eating on a blanket with ants crawling all over us is romantic, and I chose a public venue in case you turn out to be a complete psycho.

Location: Cooks for you at his place.
Translation: I am a skilled chef and eating at my place makes it so much easier to get you into my bed.

First Date Manspeak
The difference between that beautiful necklace you brought back from Cabo, and the beautiful Man you are going to bring home from this trip is that the latter talks.

Man says: Sorry I'm late.
Translation: I had to creep your Facebook first to make sure you weren't a complete dog. (See "MANLAND: Manspeak" for definition)

Man says: Allow me..[to pull your chair out for you]
Translation: Let's get a little peekski at that bum.

Man says: Shellfish causes gout.
Translation: Don't you dare order the lobster.

Man says: Huh, funny. There are no prices on the menu.
Translation: F***.

Man says: My last girlfriend was too clingy.
Translation: I cheated on my last girlfriend. (Note: This small two-lined joke holds therein the key to most fights in relationships. Ladies, if he has ever cheated, FUCKING LEAVE!!! Don't stick around you dumb sluz! He. Will. Not. Change. Did you get that? Will not! Don't try to make him - you end up turning into a complete psycho! And also don't freak out at him for watching porn and going to the Northern once in awhile, that's not cheating! (unless you're married, different story) Pick your battles, there's a reason he's paying for that stuff - ever think maybe he just respects you? But what do I know, just my two cents.)

Man says: My hair's so short because I'm in the military.
Translation: I'm going bald.

Man says: I'm all for equal rights for women.
Translation: You're picking up the check, right?

Man says: I don't speak to any of my exes.
Translation: I chopped up all my exes into tiny pieces and hid their remains under the floorboards in my living room.

Man says: I only watch documentaries on television.
Translation: I'm addicted to Jersey Shore.

Man says: I'm straight.
Translation: I'm straight, but I watched Brokeback Mountain and it gave me a tingly sensation in my crotch that made me want to herd sheep in the mountains with a strapping young man that wears tight jeans and a ten-gallon hat. 

Man says: What do you look for in a guy?
Translation: What parts of my personality should I conceal from you?

Man says: I got this scar in a bar fight.
Translation: I got this scar by walking into a door. 

Man says: Let's have dessert.
Translation: You aren't half bad.

Man says: Check please.
Translation: Get me outta here!

Man says: Ahh, here comes the check..  ....
Translation: Let's see if she pulls out her wallet. 

How To Turn Man Off
Not interested? Not a problem! 
1) Shave your pubic hair to resemble the face of his mother.
2) Wear Old Spice.
3) Tell Man you REALLY want a baby.
4) Grow out your armpit hair and stop wearing deodorant.
5) Talk about your feelings.
6) Tell Man you have a headache. (wink, wink)
7) Put a framed photograph of your father in his Marines outfit on your nightstand.
8) Tell Man you're ovulating, allergic to latex, and off of the pill.

End Of Date Manspeak
Man says: We should do this again soon.
Translation: Let's do this tomorrow while I still remember your name. 

Man says: Let me walk you to your door.
Translation: Let me walk you to your bedroom.

Man says: Want to watch a movie?
Translation: I'm sick of talking to you and I'm jonesing for some punanners. 

Man says: Here's my number.
Translation: This is fake and I couldn't be more thrilled that this is over and I never have to hear from you again.

Man says: I'll drive you home, I insist.
Translation: This is a rental car and I want to take advantage of the unlimited miles. 

Man says: Want a piece of gum?
Translation: I'm going to kiss you.

Man says: Can I come in for a second?
Translation: I have to pee like a race horse, and I'll bet your bathroom is cleaner than mine. 

Man says: I had a really good time tonight.
Translation: You're not half as dull as you look!

Monday, October 24, 2011

MANLAND: Mating Rituals

"Don't have sex, man. It leads to kissing and pretty soon you have to start talking to them."
-Steve Martin

If you're not athletic and traveling to the Swiss Alps, you need a patient ski instructor lest you tumble to your death in a blizzard of white powder. You also have special needs while in Manland. And those needs come in the form of a light twitching sensation in your nether regions. This signifies your need to make mad passionate love with one of the locals. But, before exchanging bodily fluids with any of the natives, you have to do some research..

History of Manland Mating Rituals
The continent of Manland lays claim to one of the most plentiful populations in the world, boasting such a high ratio of citizens that it makes China look as vacant as the Bates Hotel in the off season. Manland's inhabitancy rate could not stop multiplying due to Man's ceaseless engagement in coitus. As a result, ancient Man operated on the belief that the way to ensure the staying power of Man's mankind was to constantly stick his hoo-hoo into Woman's hoo-ha. And so he did. And so the population boomed.

Eventually, Manland established their repuation as a world power, and the pressure to procreate was off. With the advent of condoms, the pill, and the vasectomy, Man discovered that coitus served an additional purpose: It felt darn good! Soon, sex in Manland was more for recreational purposes than anything, and that's why the rituals of Manland sex are more difficult for Woman to understand than Einstein's theory of relativity, or the movie "Inception". (The only thing I got out of that movie was the unyielding and resolute need to experience every single solitary sexual encounter known to man with Leonardo DiCaprio.)

Sexual Positions & What They Mean
One of the highlights of a voyage to Manland is to fornicate with a local. It is a badge of honor for a female tourist to come home having taken a pleasurable ride on the Manland train of love. Man uses sex very differently than Woman does. While those of us fortunate enough to be of the female gender tend to draw on sex to express deep feelings of appreciation for another, Man likes to have sex because, well, it feels good and it passes the time. Making sense of sexual positions is a useful tool while moseying about these alien environs in search of a memorable orgasm.

Doggy style/The Bone/The Fido/The Canus Retreat: Man wants to have sex, not necessarily with you.

Missionary/The Poke: Man wants to kiss you, and worries you are heavier than you look. Mark Zuckerberg's position of choice.

You on top/Corkscrew/Cowgirl: Man wants to give you the best orgasm of your life, but wants the option to tweak your nipples incase you take awhile. 

Reverse doggy style with you wearing a strap-on: Man is seriously questioning his sexuality.

You on your back on the kitchen table with your legs on Man's shoulders/The Dinner Bell: Man wants to be able to look in your eyes as he orgasms, then have a snack.

On the floor/The Sweep: Man's sheets are dirty..and now his floor's not.

You bent over Man's office desk/The Overtime: Man is "behind" on work, and has been watching too much Brazzers.

Against the wall, standing up, fully clothed/Custer's last stand: Man is overcome with desire and cannot wait.

Up against the wall/Squished Face: Man is horny and you have bad breath.

Precoital Manspeak

Man Says: Your hair smells terrific.
Translation: Good, she showered.

Man Says: I feel such a connection with you.
Translation: I feel the need to connect my penis with your vagina.

Man Says: I wear size 12 shoes.
Translation: I am hung like a Clydesdale.

Man Says: I haven't been with someone in a long time.
Translation: I haven't been with someone since yesterday.

Man Says: That is a beautiful necklace.
Translation: I can't stop looking at your boobies.

Man Says: Will you hand me that pillow?
Translation: Bonnnerrrrrr.

Man Says: I just want to lie here with you and feel you breathe. 
Translation: It's easier to undo your pants when you're laying horizontally.

Intercoital Manspeak

Man Says: I have carpal tunnel.
Translation: I can't get your bra off for the life of me.

Man Says: I don't really like blow jobs.
Translation: You have shark teeth.

Man Says: Excuse me for a minute.
Translation: Where did I put that pump thing I ordered online?

Man Says: Turn off the lights.
Translation: I have a hairy mole on my back I don't want you to see.

Man Says: Does this feel good?
Translation: Make some noise, woman!

Man Says: I like making love in the quiet of the night.
Translation: Shut the f*** up!

Man Says: I love you so much.
Translation: Omg, please swallow...please swallow.

Man Says: How do you feel about the national economy?
Translation: I'm going to come if I don't think about something else.

Man Says: Yes, yes, yes!
Translation: Yes, yes, yes!

Postcoital Manspeak

Man Says: That was amazing.
Translation: I was amazing.

Man Says: How do you feel about abortion?
Translation: Rubber broke.

Man Says: I have to work early in the morning.
Translation: You look like I need a drink.

Man Says: It's dangerous for a woman to overexert herself.
Translation: You've got to be kidding me, that's all I've got!

Man Says: That was incredible.
Translation: Anything I can stick my penis in is incredible.

Man Says: I'll call you.
Translation: I'll call you if I test positive for anything. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

MANLAND: Manspeak

More difficult to translate than Swahili. More impossible to understand than Mandarin Chinese. Manspeak...the language of Manland. Our inability to make sense of the muckety-muck that is Man's self-expression has launched opposing genders into myriad screaming matches in public, and been the cause of many an unnecessary  breakup. Not to mention a violent homicide or seven. These tips will teach you how to translate the most complex of Manspeak phrases into something sensible and intelligent, or in other words, Womanspeak.

A = "Yay! Baywatch is on syndication!"
A = "Wanna smell my fart?"
A = "Hey, wanna pick up the tab?"
Au = "I like my muffler loud."
B = "Can I touch your butt?"
Ch = "Wow, that's a long hair on your chin."
D = "Are you, by chance, a 34DD?"
E = "I lost to my girlfriend in a bet."
F = "Mother f---er!"
G = "That chili dog gave me gas."
H = "You're a ho."
I = "I am all that is man."
Ji = "Gee, I dunno."
K = "Ick, I wish you had shaved."
L = "I love a sister."
M = "I want my mommy."
N = "No doesn't really mean no, right?"
OO = "Can I touch your boob?"
O = "Oh, I've got a boner."
P = "I like to pee on white snow."
Q = "My q-tip is stuck in my ear."
R = "I have a rash on my genitals."
S = "Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
Th = "You've got a nice ath" (Man has a lisp)
U = "Take off your underwear."
V = "Are you a virgin?"
W = "Wow, are those things real?"
Y = "I'm horny."
Z = "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.."

Ambition: Getting off the couch.
Anniversary: Oh shit..
Argument: To sit silently on the couch while Woman flaps her arms around in the air like a chicken , screaming and shouting her head off until the neighbors call the cops.
Attention Deficit Disorder: A pseudoclinical excuse for Man to not pay attention.
Be home soon: To be home within the next forty-eight hours.
Be romantic: To not burp or fart.
Beating off: The act of pleasuring oneself. See also: peeling the banana, choking the chicken, playing the skin flute, burping the worm, punchin' the munchkin.
Bro: Not, in fact, a relative, but an affectionate term Man uses for a pal with whom he obsesses over video games with and discusses masturbation, and Jessica Alba's physical attributes.
Cheating: Getting caught.
Clean (adjective): Anything that isn't moldy, toxic, or emitting a rancid smell.
Clean (verb): To wipe down with dirty water.
Clubbin': An activity in which Man dresses up in a ridiculous looking suit, puts on too much cologne, and attempts to dance in hopes of attracting the opposite gender.
Dog: A butt-ugly female.
Dawg: A cool dude.
Diet: Short periods occurring several times a year where Man puts less cheese on his food.
Drive Safely: To operate a motor vehicle with less than 3 beers in one's system.
Dying: To have the sniffles.
Eating out: The act of either performing oral sex on a woman, or calling for a pizza delivery. (Man enjoys both equally)
Foreplay: Anything that delays Man's orgasm.
Get laid: To have sex.
Get laid off: To have sex while unemployed.
Homo: Any other man that dresses well, changes his sheets, and cleans his bathroom on a regular basis.
Kickoff: The moment the world must stop.
Lesbian: Any woman who turns down Man's sexual advances.
Listening to some tunes: Blasting the radio so loud it shakes the walls of the houses in neighboring counties.
Milf: An attractive, older female with kids, whom Man desires to fornicate.
Old: Any female over the age of twenty-two.
Religious experience: Orgasm.
Remember: To forget until the last minute.
Safe sex: Any sexual encounter that doesn't result in a serious groin injury.
Shower: Splashing cologne under one's armpits.
Valentine's Day: Most annoying day of the year.
XXX: Best movies ever.
ZZZZZ: Man is asleep. DO NOT wake him.

Things Woman Must Never Say in Manland
"Who do you think you are!?"
"Your friend is cute."
"You'd never cheat on  me, right?"
"......or else!"
"I want to talk about my feelings."
"This time, I'm really serious."
"Wake up!"
"You should call your mother."
"How many beers have you had?"
"Do you think she's pretty?"
"Does this make me look fat?"
"Am I the best sex you've ever had?"
"Is it always that small?"
"You call that thoughtful?"
"I just want to be friends."
"Maybe you should try that Rogaine stuff?"
"I need you to cancel boys night out."
"It's either THEM or ME. YOU CHOOSE!"